Internet Speed Ability Effects How Much You Can Do on the Internet

There are several Internet speed packages offered; 2mbps, 4mbps, 6mbps, 10mbps, and 15mbps. You chose one of the packages with your Internet provider when getting your home connected. Once you hit your speed ability your Internet can appear slow or non-functional, but your Internet is still working as it’s supposed to.

* What does mbps stand for? Megabit per second.


What would the different speeds allow me to do?

The higher the number the more data can be received at once.

2mbps is great for users that check emails, light web surfing, and occasional Internet use.

4mbps is great for users who download basic content from the Internet.

6mbps is great for users that stream SD video and basic online games.

10mbps is great for users that stream HD videos, online gaming, and allows for faster downloads of larger content.

15mbps is great for users that stream videos on multiple devices and are gaming at the same time.


What Causes Me To Max Out My Internet Usage?

The more devices that are connected to your Internet (via cord and/or wifi) the more Internet you are potentially using.  These include, but aren’t limited to, your smart TV, computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, gaming consoles, Amazon Firestick, and TiVo.

Depending on your package, your Internet can start appearing slow when multiple devices are connected at the same time, when downloading or uploading content, streaming videos, or if you leave a video streaming or gaming device on while the TV is off.





8 Key Tips to Help Keep Your Internet Running Optimally

Tip 1: If your Internet is slow, check your router or access point to ensure it is still turned on and functioning properly.

Tip 2: Turn off all gaming consoles that are not currently in use, not just the TV. Unplug your Xbox One and PS4 to ensure they are not connected; they have been designed to appear off (even when you push the power button) but they are still on and connected to the Internet.

Tip 3: See if anyone in the house is streaming a show or downloading/uploading content. Even looking at Facebook on their phone could cause slowness due to Facebook automatically playing videos while the user is scrolling through the page. If you are on a 2mbps or 4mbps package, this could cause your internet to appear slow.

Tip 4: Close all browsers on your computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphones when you are done viewing the webpage.

Tip 5: Verify that your satellite receivers are not running updates.  This can cause slowness while they are updating.

Tip 6: Make sure none of your personal devices are updating apps.  Many apps on tablets, smartphones and computers will automatically perform updates.  Your device will detect the new version and may start updating to the current version automatically. During this update process your Internet connection could be less responsive and/or slower until those updates are completed.

Tip 7: Make sure to turn off any shows and streaming networks before turning off the TV. Close out of any video streaming provider like Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, and Amazon Prime.

Tip 8: TiVo uses Internet for the guide section and for updates. During updates your Internet could potentially become slow until the updates are completed.